14 April 2009


The Cathedral of St. Philip, Atlanta, GA
The Great Vigil!!!
If you don't know, there is a tradition of keeping vigils for especially holy feasts in the Christian tradition. As you probably do know, Easter is one of those feasts.
With the Easter Vigil come the lighting of the "new fire". In many places this is actually done in the church. In that case the fire has to be small, but it is still dramatic as it is lit in a darkened church.
At the Cathedral of St. Philip, we light our fire outside. The picture should indicate why. A bonfire is pretty dramatic, eh? From the fire we light the Paschal Candle, and from that worshippers light hand-held candles as we process into the darkened nave to celebrate the light of Christ come to us.
I hope that this photo can give you a taste of this bonfire experience. More than that, I wish you a blessed Easter season. May you know the light of Christ.

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